Christina has inherited her grandmother's love of fashion and design.She has traveled the world modeling for most of her life and presently sits on the board of her families museum in Taos New Mexico.
Christina has started a family archives with all the photographs she has inherited from the Millicent Rogers Estate.A published poet and author, Christina has contributed to the cook- book 'Storied Recipes'.
Christina is presently at work on a book about the American history of her glamorous family.
I have always had a passion for the arts,fashion,photography and design.I was fortunate to have a family that encouraged my interests and taught me the importance or reciprocity.
The Millicent Rogers Museum was founded by my father to display and share his mothers exceptional collections of Native American and Southwest art and jewelry. A collection she amassed in the last years of her life in Taos.
My ambition is to expand the museum's profile with our new galleries,exhibitions,media and archives department.A documentary of The Rogers Family Dynasty is also in the works.
A coffee table style book about my families history.With pictures,letters,recipes,art interiors,furnishings,jewelry,etc. from archives that I have inherited.
I have started with my ancestors immigrating to America on The Mayflower,are genealogy of English royalty,stories about my great great grandfather Henry Huttleston Rogers founding STANDARD OIL and my fashion icon grandmother Millicent Rogers.
I am writing about my father Paul Jamie Peralta-Ramos (Millicent's youngest son) founding the museum in Taos and about my beautiful Swedish mother who was a model and guide at The United Nations as well as being on America's Best Dressed List.
The book describes our interesting and social family dynamic. All that makes us an 'American Family'.
A book of recipes Millicent Rogers collected, some dating back to when our ancestors immigrated to America on The Mayflower.The pages will include family photographs of Millicent with her children and beloved dachshunds. I will be including collages of Millicent's jewelry,art,linens,china,glass and furniture,as well as some of her Native American fashions designed by the couturier Charles James.